with some best practices from other countries. This approach is meaningful and important to enable the
PSD to formulate a framework according to its own mould without incurring additional costs.
The willingness of public servants to change is very much dependent upon communication and
efficient information dissemination. It is important to gain their confidence and cooperation in realising
organisational transformation that they should have ownership of. In an effort to strengthen a sense of
esprit de corps
and breaking the silos, several buy-in initiatives including Change Management
Programmes were implemented through a variety of activities that involved the entire PSD personnel.
These activities were not only confined to the PSD’s offices in Putrajaya and Cyberjaya, but also INTAN
regional campuses (IKWAS, INTENGAH, INTIM, INTAN Sarawak and INTAN Sabah).
A Working Committee Taskforce for Managing Change and Driving Transformation of the PSD was
also established to manage and implement programmes on the ground to provide relevant information to
PSD personnel at all levels. This will ensure that all PSD personnel can understand and appreciate the
concept and the principles incorporated in the PSDTF. Various activities such as Expression Week,
Transformation Showcases and other activities related to transformation were also carried out.
In addition, the process of the PSD transformation was also shared with the Congress of Unions of
Employees in the Public and Civil Services (CUEPACS) and the National Consultative Joint Meeting as
well as disseminated through social media. Consultation and involvement has contributed to the
understanding and appreciation of the PSD personnel and all the stakeholders of the essence, spirit and
purpose of the transformation.
The PSDTF underwent several revisions based on feedback gained from engagement and
consultation sessions with various stakeholders before it was presented and subsequently approved for
public service-wide adoption by the Special Cabinet Committee on Salary and Establishment for the Public
Sector. The PSDTF was subsequently renamed the Public Service Transformation Framework (PSTF).
The PSTF therefore, serves as a guide for every public organisation in implementing public service
transformation. It should be aligned to the vision, mission, values and corporate strategy in each respective
organisation. Based on a clear organisational direction, this framework provides a platform for public
service transformation efforts. The PSTF is therefore fundamental to the overall transformation initiatives.
During the 2014 Budget Speech on 25 October 2013, the Prime Minister announced that the
Government would implement the transformation plan in every ministry to ensure that the public service
delivery system remains relevant and meet the expectations of the Rakyat. Subsequently, the meeting of
the KSN with the Secretaries General of Ministries and Heads of Services on 4 February 2014 agreed that
all ministries/agencies should take the initiative to implement their transformation starting with a voluntary
presentation of each ministry/agency’s transformation plans at the meeting. The PSD then took the initiative
to convene the Public Service Transformation Lab with all the ministries to help guide the development of
their transformation plans based on the PSTF.