Finally, patriotism in addition to public service ethos and integrity will ensure public servants will give
their best to serve the country. We also need to continuously promote and nurture patriotism. Events that
have impacted the nation in recent years should serve as reminders that the security, safety and
sovereignty of our nation are something that we cannot compromise on.
As outlined above, the five strategic thrusts of our Public Service Transformation Framework
encompass the three basic tenets of public service transformation, i.e., good governance, values and
service delivery.
In drawing up projects for implementation, it goes without saying that Malaysia is similar to other
countries in that we are also looking at our neighbours – near and far – for ideas and sources of inspiration.
Indeed, we note with interest the reform efforts being undertaken by other public services the world over.
In this respect, we have also come up with projects that are the results of a combination of initiatives
that we have gleaned from other countries that we have put together and moulded to suit the local context
and make them ours. We have looked to Singapore, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Australia, the United
Kingdom, Canada, South Korea, Japan, India, all our ASEAN counterparts and many other countries for
initiatives that we can benchmark on. We have followed with interest their public service transformation
effort. We have also noted the lessons that they have learnt along the way in their transformation journey –
successes and failures, included. We have and are also working with organisations such as the World
Bank, the UNDP and various other international bodies to further enhance our transformation effort.
The biggest challenge for the transformation of the public service, however, is to shape an
institutional culture that supports the new service delivery model of the
Rakyat serving and giving their
best for the Rakyat
. This is essentially what the public service is all about. All public servants and our
families too make up part of the fabric of this beloved nation of ours. As the Rakyat, we ourselves have high
expectations of our government. Indeed, we now expect more of our government than ever before.
Therefore, as public servants and the mainstay of the government service delivery value chain, it is
imperative that we must deliver our best.
This is a time of unprecedented challenge and great opportunity as we strive to shape a high
performing, high integrity, dynamic and citizen-centric public service. A public service that is built on the
foundation and principles of good governance; high patriotism, ethics and integrity; a public service
ecosystem and environment that is harmonious, inclusive, diverse and sustainable; and leveraging on
science and technology.
Moving forward, we must actively and relentlessly pursue our public service
transformation agenda given that our target date to achieve a developed nation status is drawing near.