hallenges and critical issues affecting the public service require public servants who are able to
think strategically, be more creative and innovative to shape a future public service that remains
relevant and is able to change with the needs of the time. At the same time, public organisations
need to be more open and dynamic. All of these need to be combined and supported by a public
service delivery system that is fast, accurate, proactive and responsive.
Implementation of the public service transformation must support Malaysia’s vision towards
becoming a high income, inclusive and sustainable nation. Based on the philosophy of 1Malaysia "People
First, Performance Now", Malaysia must continue to move forward in line with the National Transformation
Agenda in order to become a high-income developed nation by the year 2020. The National Transformation
Policy initiatives of the Government Transformation Programme (GTP), Economic Transformation
Programme (ETP), Political Transformation Programme (PTP) and Social Transformation Programme
(STP) would not yield the desired results if the public service fails to change according to current demands.
Thus, the national vision is the guiding principle in shaping the transformation of the public service towards
a high-performing public service, trustworthy, dynamic and people-oriented.
As the mandated leader of public service transformation, the PSD has developed the PSTF that can
serve as a guide to other agencies to develop their transformation programme. The PSTF is based on the
principles and foundation of:
good governance;
patriotism, ethics and integrity;
inclusive, diverse and sustainable public service eco-system and environment in order to generate
continuous learning, empowering leadership and stimulate creativity and innovation; and
science and technology advancement.
Strengthening governance and inculcating accountability in the public service is a prerequisite for
improving the effectiveness of government programmes and initiatives towards the achievement of Vision
2020. Patriotism, ethics and integrity promote strong resilience and aspiration among public servants to
continuously contribute to the good of the nation through the improvement of service delivery. The service
delivery improvement then in turn helps to increase the Rakyat’s trust regarding public service. An
inclusive, diverse and sustainable public service eco-system and environment is essential in stimulating
innovation, increasing creativity and productivity as well as competency of the public servants. Science
and technology advancement allows the public service to offer improved service delivery through
innovation and creativity based on the needs of the stakeholders. It also contributes towards a lean public
service by reducing layers of bureaucracy.
To meet the challenges identified while addressing current issues in human resource development,
the PSTF outlines the strategy to develop and retain talent; to strengthen the organisation; to improve
1 – Public Service Transformation Framework