Strategic Thrust 2 (ST2) emphasises increased capacity through the injection of new ways of doing
work in the organisation. Organisational structure should be examined as it affects the working
practices and the ability of an organisation to perform in the long run. Accordingly, the improvement
of the organisational structure towards becoming more dynamic, lean, open and agile is critical to
ensure that the public service will be able to remain competitive, create value and stay relevant.
Downsizing and significant cost savings are vital in order to reduce bureaucracy and increase
productivity. These efforts need to be intensified to optimise available resources in line with the
government's intention to reduce public sector spending such as through increased utilisation of
state of the art technology (ICT).
STRATEGIC THRUST 2 – Re-engineering Public Organisations
Focus on increasing capacity and improving organisational structure through process re-engineering
to make it more dynamic, agile and flexible as well as able to adapt to changes in order to continue
providing the best of service according to the requirements and needs.