Laporan Tahunan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam 2021

“Penjawat awam akan terus menggalas amanah yang dipertanggungjawabkan seperti yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan berpegang teguh kepada ikrar Perkhidmatan Awam dalam memberikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik kepada rakyat dan negara.” “Civil servants will continue to carry out the responsibility entrusted as preserved in the Federal Constitution and adhere firmly to the Public Service pledge in providing the best service to the people and the country.” “Perkhidmatan awam sentiasa memberikan komitmen penuh dalam memastikan sistem penyampaian kerajaan tidak terjejas berteraskan dasar semasa kerajaan.” “The public service continuously gives full commitment in ensuring that the government’s delivery system is not affected, based on the government’s current policy.” “Perkhidmatan awam tidak akan terkesan dengan situasi semasa negara kerana kerjasama serta kesefahaman kukuh dan jitu antara setiap agensi kerajaan menjadi kunci utama kejayaan bagi setiap pelaksanaan program dan inisiatif sedia ada.” “The public service will not be affected by the current situation of the country due to the cooperation as well as strong and accurate understanding between each government agency which is the main key to success for every implementation of programs and initiatives.” “Perkhidmatan awam komited mendukung konsep neutrality dan government of the day berlandaskan rule of law.” “The public service is committed to supporting the concept of neutrality and government of the day constructed on the rule of law.” “Jentera kerajaan sentiasa sedaya upaya melaksanakan semua dasar yang telah diputuskan bagi memastikan penyampaian perkhidmatan yang terbaik kepada rakyat terutama dalam tempoh yang mencabar ini.” “The government machinery performs its best to implement all the policies that have been decided to ensure the delivery of the best services to the people, especially in this challenging period of time. ” TAN SRI DATO’ SERI MOHD ZUKI BIN ALI KETUA SETIAUSAHA NEGARA Chief Secretary To The Government Kenyataan Media 16 Ogos 2021 Media Statement 16 August 2021 PETIKAN UCAPAN KETUA SETIAUSAHA NEGARA SPEECH EXCERPT FROM THE CHIEF SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT (04)