PENYERTAAN WARGA BPPD DI PERTANDINGAN ANUGERAH IDEA INOVASI JPA 2021 PARTICIPATION OF BPPD OFFICERS IN 2021 INNOVATIVE IDEA AWARD COMPETITION Pertandingan Anugerah Idea Inovasi telah diadakan pada 20 Oktober 2021 sempena penganjuran Program Anugerah Inovasi dan Kualiti Peringkat Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam Tahun 2021 yang mana ia disertai oleh pegawai Bahagian-Bahagian di dalam JPA termasuk INTAN. Dalam pertandingan tersebut, BPPD yang diwakili oleh Encik Faizal Azmir bin Abd Rashid menerusi idea beliau yang bertajuk Automasi Penawanan Rekod E-mel ke dalam Sistem Digital Document Management System 2.0 (DDMS 2.0) telah berjaya memenangi tempat kedua. The Innovation Idea Award competition was held on 20 October 2021 in conjunction with the organisation of the 2021 Innovation and Quality Award Programme at the Public Service Department Level, which saw the participation of officers from the Divisions within PSD, including INTAN BPPD, whomMr Faizal Azmir bin Abd Rashid represented with his idea titled ‘Automation of E-mail Record Capture into Digital Document Management System 2.0 (DDMS 2.0)’, won second place in the competition. (56)