SESI TAKLIMAT BERSAMA YB MENTERI DAN TIMBALAN MENTERI DI JABATAN PERDANA MENTERI (TUGAS-TUGAS KHAS) BERKAITAN SOALAN DEWAN RAKYAT DAN DEWAN NEGARA BRIEFING SESSION TO AND YB DEPUTY MINISTER ON QUESTIONS RAISED IN HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATE The Fourteenth Parliamentary Meeting for the House of Representatives and Senate meetings for 2021 was held in a new normal environment due to the COVID-19 Pandemic that hit the country and the change in the national political landscape. A total of three (3) meeting sessions took place in 2021, which began with a Special meeting for the Third Term of the Fourteenth Parliament at the end of July 2021. This was followed by the First and Second Meetings for the Fourth Term of the Fourteenth Parliament of the House of Representatives and Dewan Senate, which took place from mid-September until before Christmas 2021. Throughout the session, the unit managed a total of 76 questions and arising matters from the Honourable Members of the House of Representatives and Senate. Topics raised were issues on government pensions, the status of Contract Doctors and contract workers, Work From Home policy, the implementation of civil servant vaccinations, scholarship recipients, and the number of civil servants. A series of briefings on issues were held with the YB Ministers and Deputy Ministers in the Prime Minister’s Department (Special Duties) involving Subject Matter Experts (SME) of PSD divisions at the Parliament Building, Administrative and Diplomatic Officers (PPTD) Association Club House, Hotel Bangi Resort, and Pulse Grande Hotel. The unit would like to thank all parties who have provided assistance and cooperation throughout 2021. he training modul Persidangan Parlimen Keempat Belas bagi mesyuarat Dewan Rakyat dan Dewan Negara bagi tahun 2021 telah diadakan dalam suasana norma baharu akibat daripada pandemik COVID-19 yang melanda negara, dan juga perubahan lanskap politik nasional. Sebanyak tiga (3) sesi mesyuarat telah berlangsung pada tahun 2021, yang dimulai dengan satu Mesyuarat Khas bagi Penggal Ketiga Parlimen Keempat Belas pada penghujung bulan Julai 2021. Ini disusuli dengan Mesyuarat Pertama dan Kedua bagi Penggal Keempat Parlimen Keempat Belas Dewan Rakyat dan Dewan Negara yang berlangsung dari pertengahan bulan September sehingga sebelum Krismas 2021. Sepanjang sesi berkenaan berlangsung, bahagian ini telah menguruskan sebanyak 76 soalan dan isu berbangkit daripada YBAhli Dewan Rakyat dan Dewan Negara. Antara topik yang dibangkitkan berkisar tentang isu-isu yang melibatkan pencen pesara kerajaan, status Doktor Kontrak dan pekerja kontrak, dasar Bekerja Dari Rumah, pelaksanaan vaksinasi penjawat awam, penerima biasiswa dan jumlah penjawat awam. Beberapa siri taklimat mengenai isu berkenaan kepada YB Menteri dan Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Tugas-Tugas Khas) telah diadakan bersama Subject Matter Expert (SME) bahagianbahagian JPA di Bangunan Parlimen, Rumah Persatuan Pegawai Tadbir dan Diplomatik (PPTD), Hotel Bangi Resort dan Hotel Pulse Grande. Bahagian ini mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah memberikan bantuan dan kerjasama sepanjang tahun 2021. (41)