PROGRAM DIGITAL ACCELERATOR (DA) SEKTOR AWAM TAHUN 2021 PUBLIC SECTOR DIGITAL ACCELERATORS PROGRAMME (DA) YEAR 2021 Digital Government Competency & Capability Readiness (DGCCR) merupakan satu inisiatif Kerajaan untuk membangunkan kompetensi dan keupayaan digital penjawat awam pada setiap peringkat dan peranan dalam usaha menawarkan penyampaian perkhidmatan digital yang terbaik kepada rakyat. Bagi menyokong hasrat ini, pelbagai program DGCCR telah dilaksanakan dan salah satu daripadanya adalah Program Digital Accelerator (DA) Sektor Awam. Program ini merupakan satu program pembangunan kapasiti eksklusif yang mensasarkan individu terpilih agar mereka dapat memainkan peranan sebagai penggerak dan pemacu Transformasi Pembudayaan Digital merentasi agensi masing-masing. ogram are undergoing one of the training modul Digital Government Competency & Capability Readiness (DGCCR) is an initiative by the Government to develop digital competencies and capabilities of civil servants at every level and role in offering the best digital service delivery to the people. To support this aim, various DGCCR programmes have been implemented, and one of them is the Public Sector Digital Accelerators (DA) Programme. This programme is an exclusive capacity development programme that targets selected individuals so that they can play a role as a driving force and driver of the Digital Culture Transformation across their respective agencies. s of the Digital Accelerator (DA) program are undergoing one of the training modul The participants of the DA Programme have attended and completed seven (7) online learning modules from 17 June to 11 November 2021. Participants who completed the programme would become agents of change to help ensure successful familiarisation with the Digital Government. This year, 48 Public Sector Digital Accelerators fromvarious service schemes who have completed the programme were appointed and commissioned as Digital Accelerators at their respective department/agency levels. They consist of Management and Professional Group officers (Grade 41 - 52) selected from 16 Ministries, 10 State SUK Offices and three (3) Central Agencies. the training modul Para peserta Program telah mengikuti dan menyempurnakan tujuh (7) modul pembelajaran secara dalam talian mulai 17 Jun hingga 11 November 2021. Peserta yang berjaya menjalani program sepenuhnya bakal menjadi agen perubahan bagi membantu memastikan familiarisasi terhadap Kerajaan Digital dapat dicapai dengan jayanya. Pada tahun ini, seramai 48 orang Digital Accelerator Sektor Awam daripada pelbagai skim perkhidmatan telah berjaya menamatkan program dengan jayanya dilantik dan ditauliahkan sebagai Digital Accelerator peringkat jabatan/ agensi masing-masing. Mereka terdiri daripada pegawai Kumpulan Pengurusan dan Profesional (Gred 41 – 52) yang telah dipilih daripada 16 buah Kementerian, 10 Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri (SUK) dan tiga (3) Agensi Pusat. Para peserta program Digital Accelerator (DA) sedang menjalani salah satu modul latihan yang dijalankan pada 21 Jun 2021 Participants of the Digital Accelerators (DA) programme undergoing one of the training modules conducted on 21 June 2021 Majlis Pelantikan dan Pentauliahan Digital Accelerator Sektor Awam 2021 yang telah berlangsung pada 19 November 2021 Public Sector Digital Accelerators Appointment and Commissioning Ceremony 2021 on 19 November 2021 (40)