Laporan Tahunan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam 2021

PENAWARAN HADIAH LATIHAN PERSEKUTUAN DAN HADIAH LATIHAN PERSEKUTUAN SECARA KENAL PASTI SESI 2022 THE HADIAH LATIHAN PERSEKUTUAN AND HADIAH LATIHAN PERSEKUTUAN SECARA KENAL PASTI, SESSION 2021 Penawaran program HLP dan HLP Kenal Pasti sesi 2022 telah dipersetujui oleh Tan Sri KPPAmelalui kertas pertimbangan bertarikh 10 Mac 2021. Bagi sesi pengajian 2022, sebanyak 300 slot (100 Ph.D dan 200 Sarjana) telah diperuntukkan bagi program HLP dan 10 slot (5 Ph.D dan 5 Sarjana) diperuntukkan bagi HLP Kenal Pasti. Berikutan pandemik COVID-19 dan atas faktor kekangan masa serta arahan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) yang melarang pelaksanaan aktiviti sosial serta perkumpulan oleh Majlis Keselamatan Negara, pelaksanaan temuduga bagi program HLP dan HLP Kenal Pasti bagi Sesi 2022 telah dilaksanakan secara dalam talian. Seramai 803 calon (239 Ph.D dan 564 Sarjana) telah ditemuduga bagi program HLP manakala seramai 13 calon (7 Ph.D dan 6 Sarjana) telah ditemuduga bagi program HLP Kenal Pasti. Hasil temuduga serta saringan lanjut Jawatankuasa Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan ( JKHLP), seramai 299 calon telah ditawarkan HLP (74 Ph.D dan 225 Sarjana) manakala 5 calon telah ditawarkan HLP Kenal Pasti (2 Ph.D dan 3 Sarjana). The offer of the HLP and HLP Kenal Pasti program for the 2022 session has been approved by Tan Sri KPPA through a working paper dated 10 March 2021. For the 2022 study session, a total of 300 slots (100 Ph.D and 200 Masters) have been allocated for the HLP program and 10 slots (5 Ph.D and 5 Masters) have been allocated for the Kenal Pasti HLP. Following the COVID-19 pandemic and due to time constraints and the Movement Control Order (MCO) directive that prohibits the implementation of social activities and groups by the National Security Council, the interview for the HLP and HLP Kenal Pasti program for Session 2022 has been carried out online.A total of 803 candidates (239 Ph.D and 564 Masters) were interviewed for the HLP program while a total of 13 candidates (7 Ph.D and 6 Masters) were interviewed for the Kenal Pasti HLP programme. As a result of interviews and further screening by the Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan ( JKHLP), a total of 299 candidates were offered HLP (74 Ph.D and 225 Masters) while 5 candidates were offered HLP Kenal Pasti (2 Ph.D and 3 Masters). (99) Penawaran Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan Dan Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan Secara Kenal Pasti Sesi 2022 The Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan And Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan Secara Kenal Pasti, Session 2021