Laporan Tahunan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam 2019

54 | jpa2019 The results of the 2019 study found that the average value of the index of involvement of local authority officers is 79.6%. The value of the engagement index is the result of an analysis of 30,429 respondents involving 104 local authorities. In general, it shows the level of involvement in good organizations among local authorities. INTIPATI LAPORAN BAHAGIAN / UNIT fundamental report by division / unit Hasil kajian tahun 2019 mendapati purata nilai Indeks Keterlibatan pegawai PBT adalah sebanyak 79.6%. Nilai indeks keterlibatan tersebut hasil analisis daripada 30,429 responden melibatkan 104 PBT. Secara umumnya, ia menunjukkan tahap keterlibatan terhadap organisasi yang baik di kalangan warga PBT. Nilai indeks keterlibatan diperolehi daripada 5 atribut/ciri yang telah dikenalpasti (Rajah 1.1). Hasil skor 5 atribut/ciri mendapati pegawai PBT mempunyai kebanggaan terhadap organisasi masing-masing dan perakuan yang tinggi untuk memperakukan kepada orang lain bahawa organisasi mereka adalah tempat terbaik untuk bekerja. Namun, masih terdapat aspek dan ruang yang boleh ditambah baik dan ditingkatkan termasuk aspek- aspek inspirasi, motivasi dan keterikatan (sense of belonging). Involvement index values ​are obtained from 5 attributes/features that have been identified. The result of the score of 5 attributes/features found that local government officials have pride in their respective organizations and a high standard to certify to others that their organization is the best place to work. But there are still aspects and areas that can be improved and enhanced including aspects of inspiration, motivation and attachment (sense of belonging). S K O R AT R I B U T I N D E K S K E T E R L I B ATA N P E G AWA I OFFICER’S ENGAGEMENT INDEX ATTRIBUTE SCORES CHRONOLOGY OF THE LOCAL AUTHORITY ENGAGEMENT INDEX ATTRIBUTE SCORES 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 Kebanggaan 80.17 Perakuan Keterikatan AT R IB U T S KO R AT R IB U T ( % ) Inspirasi Motivasi Sasaran IKP 2019 80.35 78.84 79.38 79.09 79.6% 2019 Kajian Indeks Keterlibatan Pegawai Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan 74.6% 2016 Kajian Rintis Indeks Keterlibatan Pegawai Pihak Berkuasa Tem tan 74% 2017 Kajian Indeks Keterlibatan Pegawai Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan Pilot study of the involvement index of Local Authority officials Study of the involvement index of Local Authority officials Study of the involvement ind x of Local Authority officials