Laporan Tahunan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam 2019

jpa2019 | 13 Kami berjanji We promise TO • Menyediakan perkhidmatan kaunseling individu kepada anggota perkhidmatan awam persekutuan dalam tempoh tiga (3) hari bekerja dari tarikh penerimaan permohonan tertakluk kepada persetujuan klien. Provide individual counseling services to federal civil service members within three (3) working days from the date of application subject to clients approval. • Melaksanakan penawaran penajaan dalam tempoh 14 hari selepas kelulusan Pengurusan. Implement the sponsorship offer within 14 days of Management’s approval. • Memberi konsultansi penyusunan semula organisasi dan pengukuhan perjawatan dalam masa empat (4) minggu dari tarikh permohonan diterima. To provide consultation for organisational restructuring and posts consolidation within four (4) weeks from date of application. • Memastikan urusan hal ehwal perkhidmatan - pelantikan secara kontrak, pertukaran sementara, peminjaman dan pertukaran tetap, perakuan kenaikan pangkat / tatatertib (penentuan Pengerusi) diselesaikan dalam tempoh satu (1) bulan dan urusan pemangkuan bagi pegawai-pegawai Gunasama dalam tempoh dua (2) bulan dari tarikh pemakluman / iklan dikeluarkan. Ensuring service affairs - contractual appointments, temporary exchanges, secondment and permanent transfer, promotion / disciplinary certification (determined by the Chairman) are completed within one (1) month and acting appointments of Shared Service officers are exercised within two (2) months from the date the notification / notice issued. • Menguruskan sesi libat urus di peringkat kebangsaan melalui Mesyuarat Majlis Bersama Kebangsaan (MBK) dan bersama Kepimpinan Persatuan / Kesatuan Sekerja Sektor Awam 1 kali setahun. Conducting nationwide engagement sessions through the National Joint Council (MBK) and jointly with the leaderships of Public Sector Workers’ Associations / Unions at least once a year. P I A GAM P E L ANG GAN J PA JPA CLIENT’S CHARTER • Memastikan sekurang-kurangnya 80% kursus / latihan yang dilaksanakan di INTAN memberi impak positif kepada peserta berasaskan skor purata penilaian 5.5 pada skala 1-7 daripada penilaian mereka di ITIMS. Ensuring that at least 80% of courses / training conducted at INTAN have a positive impact on participants based on an average score of 5.5 on a scale of 1-7 from their assessment at ITIMS. • Memastikan tahap ketersediaan aplikasi maklumat sumber manusia, tahap ketepatan data penjawat awam sekurang- kurangnya 95% dan tahap ketersediaan capaian portal JPA sekurang-kurangnya 97%. Ensuring availability level of human resource information applications, civil service data accuracy level is at least 95% and PSD portal accessibility level is at minimum 97%. • Memastikan sekurang-kurangnya 95% daripada keseluruhan tuntutan dan bayaran bil dibayar dalam tempoh 7 hari dari tarikh dokumen lengkap diterima. Ensure that at least 95% of all claims and bill payments are paid within 7 days from the receiving date of the completed document. • Memastikan fail permohonan Pemberian Taraf Berpencen (PTB) yang lengkap diproses dan diluluskan dalam tempoh 21 hari daripada tarikh penerimaan tertakluk kepada telah genap tempoh selama tidak kurang daripada tiga (3) tahun perkhidmatan yang boleh diambil kira. Ensure that the completed Pensionable Status Provision (PTB) application is processed and approved within 21 days from the date of receipt subject to due period of not less than three (3) years of relevant service. • Semua aduan yang diterima diberi Akuan Penerimaan dalam masa satu (1) hari bekerja dan dikemukakan maklum balas dalam masa tujuh (7) hari bekerja. All complaints are given Proof of Receipt within one (1) working day and a feedback within seven (7) working days.