120 Obligations of the Government 6. The Government shall: (i) during the Period of Engagement pay to the Officer a salary at the rate set out in the Schedule hereto: PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT where provision is made in the Schedule for the payment of annual increments no such increment shall be granted to the Officer unless such appropriate superior officer as the Government may direct has certified that the Officer has discharged his duties with efficiency, diligence and fidelity during the year preceding the date upon which such increment shall become payable; (ii) during the Period of Engagement grant the Officer all leaves, allowances and benefits as set out in the Schedule hereto; (iii) pay to the Officer on the completion of the Period of Engagement or on the determination of this Agreement under any clause except Clause 8 or Clause 10 hereof, unless the Schedule hereto otherwise provides a gratuity the amount of which shall be calculated at the rate set out in the Schedule hereto for every complete month during which the Officer has served hereunder including any period of paid leave granted under this Agreement. Incapacity of Officer 7. If a registered medical practitioner duly authorised by the Government to examine the Officer certifies in writing that in his opinion the Officer is incapable by reason of any infirmity of mind or body of rendering further efficient service and that such incapacity is not caused by the Officer’s own fault, carelessness or indiscretion, the Officer’s service hereunder shall thereupon be terminated by the Government and subject to the rights reserved to him under sub-clauses (iii) of Clause 6 of this Agreement the Officer shall not thereafter be entitled to any salary except salary actually earned before the termination of this Agreement in the manner aforesaid.