21 TENNESSEE 209. University of Tennessee at Knoxville, Knoxville 37996-0150 210. Vanderbilt University, Nashville 37240 211. Memphis State University, Memphis 38152 TEXAS 212. Baylor Unive1:3ty, Waco 76798 213. Rice University, Houston 77251 214. Southern Methodist University, Dallas 75275 215. Texas A & M University, College Station 77843-1246 216. University of Texas at Austin, Austin 78712 217. Texas Christian University, Fort Worth 761219 218. Texas Tech University, Lubbock 79409 219. University of Houston at University Park, Houston UTAH 220. University of Utah, Salt Lake City 84112 221. Brigham Young University, Provo 84602 222. Utah State University, Logan 84322 VERMONT 223. University of Vermont, Burlington 05405-0160 VIRGINIA 224. University of Virginia, Charlottesville 22906 225. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg 24061-0131 WASHINGTON 226. University of Washington, Seattle 98195 227. Washington State University, Pullman 99164-1046 228. Seattle University, Seattle 98122 WEST VIRGINIA 229. West Virginia University, Morgantown 26506-6001