Peraturan-Peraturan Pegawai Awam (Pelantikan, Kenaikan Pangkat Dan Penamatan Perkhidmatan) 2012

P.U. (A) 1 81 eoxffaicmeirnbaytioannyasguaiitnaobrlethmeeHanesa.d of Department may acquire the health information of the Termination of service of an officer who fails the security vetting 49. probati(o1n) periTohdeorseerxvteicnedeodf parnobaotfifoicnerpewriohdo mfaaiylsbethteermseincuarteitdy. vetting during the (2) The service of an officer who fails the security vetting after being c(DonisfciripmliendariynansderCvoicnedumcta)yRebgeulatetiromnisn1a9te9d3. in accordance with the Public Officers Termination of service ofan officer who fails to be confirmed 50. (1) Subject to subregulation (2), the Yang di-Pertuan Agong may terminate tbhee csoenr vf iircme eodf ai nn osfef ircvei rc ew dh uo riisn og nt hp er o pb raot iboant ifoonr hpies rfi iords t, awphpeotihnet rm et hnet wi nhi toi ahl a ps rfoa bi l ae tdi ot no period or its extention. (2) Notwithstanding subregulation (1), the service of an officer may be tceornmfiirnmaatetidonifinhesefraviliscei.n a course or training which is a condition for the purpose of (3) An officer who has been confirmed in service in the previous scheme of sc eornvf ii rc me eadn dmias y s ubbes etqeur me ni tnl ayt eadp puoni ndteerd stuob rae gnuelwa t i os cnh e(m4 )e. o fT es er mr viinc ae t ibount uf anidl se rt ot hbi es pr ersouvlitsiinogn f ri so md e tehme etde rtmo ibnea tai otne rsmh ai nl labt ieo snuibnj etchtet op ut hbel i cp ei nntsei roensst laanwds ai nn yf oprec ne .s i o n m a t t e r s (4) For the purpose of subregulation (5), representations shall be made by tohf fei cHe re ai dn ot hf eD eppuabrl ti cm ei nntte rt oe s tt hbe yYsaunbgmdiit-tPi ne gr t uaa nf u lAl groenpgo rt to stteartmi nign awt eh et hr ee tsheer voi cf ef i coefr ains serving or has served.