Peraturan-Peraturan Pegawai Awam (Pelantikan, Kenaikan Pangkat Dan Penamatan Perkhidmatan) 2012

P.U. (A) 1 62 Yauatnhgorditi-yPoerrtaunaynorAggaonnigza, ttioona, ninyopr uobultiscidseeMrvaiclaeysoifa.a State, statutory authority, local (2) The Commission may consider anofficer of a public service of a State saesrmviacye btoe bdeetseercmoni ndeeddbtyo tthhee Ypaunbgl icdis-ePrevritcueasnuAbjgeocnt gt.o such conditio ns and for suc h term (3) A statutory authority or local authority may consider an officer of the st ht aet uc ot onrsye na tu ot hf ot hr iet yo fof ri cleorc, asluacuht hs toartiut yt otroy baeu tsheoc roint yd eodr tl oo ctahl ea pu ut hbol irci tsye ar vn idc et h, seupbaj er tcyt tt oo wthheopmartthieesoinffvicoelrveids.seconded to and any conditions and for such term as agreed by Temporary transfer 13. Cs uo bmj emc ti As tsno io o n s f u , f i c c b h e e r c a w o p n h p d o o i t i i i n s o t an e p s d p a o o n n in d t te f e o d m r o p sn o u r ac a h r p y e t e r t m r r m a a n n a s e f s n e rt m b t a o a y s i a b s n e m y d a p e y o t , e s wr t m i i t n h in t e t h h d e e b a p y p u p t b r h l o e ic v a D s l i e r o r e f v c i tt c h o e e r , General of Public Service. R E CPRAURI TT MI I EI N T Recruitment procedure 14. daily M(a1la)y lanAgnuyagreecnreuwitsmpeanptert.o a public service shall be advertised in at least one (2) For the purpose of subregulation (1), the advertisement shall state, among other things (a) the title of the post and the status of appointment;