Akta Pencen Pihak Berkuasa Berkanun Dan Tempatan 1980

Statutory and Local Authorities Pensions 27 (3) For the purpose of this section— (a) “dependant” means— (i) a widow of a deceased; a widower of a deceased; a child of a deceased; or the mother of a deceased employee, or if his mother is not living, his dependent father; (b) “unpaid” means unpaid by the Government or undrawn by the person. Regulations 28. The Minister may make regulations for the purposes of this Act, but such regulations shall not provide for any pension, gratuity or other benefit which is more favourable than the pension, gratuity or other benefit granted in accordance with the regulations made under the Pensions Act 1980. Previous actions 29. Acts of any person or authority on behalf of the pensions authority pending the promulgation of this Act shall be deemed to have been properly done. Payment of reward for information 30. (1) The pension authority may order the payment of such reward as it deems fit to any member of the public for information given leading to the conviction of— (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)