Akta Pencen Pihak Berkuasa Berkanun Dan Tempatan 1980

26 Laws Of Malaysia A CT 239 ringgit per month or any such amount as may be determined by the Minister from time to time by notification in the Gazette . Suspension of pension 26. (1) Where an employee to whom a pension has been granted under this Act or under any written law is reappointed as a permanent employee, the Minister may suspend the pension during the period of his reappointment. (2) Subject to subsection (1), where an employee has retired under paragraph 11 (a) and within a period of five years thereof such employee involves himself in any activity which may be in conflict with the purpose of his retirement, the Minister may suspend his pension until he reaches the age of sixty years or completes a period of five years‟ retirement, whichever is the earlier. (2 A ) Where an employee referred to in subsection (2) who was reappointed before 1 January 2012 had been given an option before such date and had not opted for the compulsory age of retirement of sixty years, subsection (2) shall apply to him with the words „fifty-five‟ or „fifty-six‟ or „fifty-eight‟, as the case may be, being substituted for the word „sixty‟. Payment without probate or letters of administration 27. (1) Notwithstanding any written law to the contrary, where a person to whom any payment could be made under this Act and the regulations made thereunder dies before the payment is made the amount remaining unpaid may be paid to his dependants without probate or letters of administration. (2) Where any payment is made in good faith under this section and in accordance with the provisions of this Act and of the regulations made thereunder, such payment shall constitute a full and proper discharge of all liability and no action, suit or proceedings for such payment or calling such payment in question be brought or shall lie against the Government or any of its officers or servants.