Akta Pencen Pihak Berkuasa Berkanun Dan Tempatan 1980

22 Laws Of Malaysia A CT 239 (ii) in the case of a child or dependent step-child, is a child or dependent step-child of a marriage that had taken place while the employee was still in service; in the case of an adopted child, is a child adopted under any written law relating to adoption or under any custom or usage, while the employee was still in service; or in the case of an illegitimate child, is a child conceived while the employee was still in service. (2) Where a pensionable employee dies after his retirement but during the period of retirement prior to his death his pension was not granted or has ceased under section 23, subsection (1) shall apply and for this purpose the employee shall be deemed to have received the pension. 16 A . ( Deleted by Act A1344 ). Cessation of derivative pension 17. A derivative pension granted under this Act shall cease if the recipient is— (a) ( Deleted by Act A1172 ); (b) a child, other than a child who is mentally retarded or physically and permanently incapacitated and incapable of supporting himself or a child referred to in paragraph (c) , upon marriage or upon attaining the age of twenty one, whichever is the earlier; or (ii) (iii) (iv)