Akta Pencen Pihak Berkuasa Berkanun Dan Tempatan 1980

8 Laws Of Malaysia A CT 239 negligence, irregularity or misconduct, the Minister may reduce or withhold the pension, gratuity or other benefit for which such employee would be eligible but for this section. Pensions, etc ., charged on the Consolidated Fund 4. (1) Pensions, gratuities and other benefits granted under this Act shall be charged on the Consolidated Fund from 1 January 1981. (2) Payment of any pension, gratuity or other benefit granted under this Act up to 31 December 1980 shall be made from the Fund established under the Statutory and Local Authorities Superannuation Fund Act 1977 [ Act 185 ]. Computation of pensions, etc . 5. (1) Any pension, gratuity or other benefit granted under this Act shall be computed in accordance with the regulations; provided that, in the case of retirement under paragraph 10(5) (a) or under section 13, the amount of pension granted shall not be less than one- fifth of the employee‟s last drawn salary. (2) For the purpose of subsection (1), the last drawn salary of an employee who retires before being confirmed in his second or subsequent appointment shall be the last drawn salary of his former appointment in which he had been confirmed had he remained in his former appointment until his retirement. (3) Any pension, gratuity or other benefit granted to an employee who retires under section 11 shall be computed in accordance with the regulations where the total period of his reckonable service shall be counted as if he had served until his compulsory age of retirement, whichever is applicable to him.