Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

38 Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam with the mind games through fake information. The establishment of One-Stop- Centers that include ministries, law enforcement agencies, and media organization can help in coordinating efforts to ensure the info circulated is synchronize with detailed and comprehensive content. This multichannel approach can avoid ambiguity from the public as they are referring a range of different news sources, perhaps in direct response to the varying quality of the information available. This center highlights the importance of message discipline and making sure that a consistent message is appearing on multiple channels to reinforce credibility and avoid suspicion developing. Strategy 6: Strengthening the law and establishing Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to the content producer In the efforts undertaken to regulate social media on a global scale have failed unexpectedly. During the 2012 UN World Conference of International Telecommunications formally adopted the ‘Final Acts,' but the legal nature of this document was non-binding. Of the 144 participating countries, only 89 signed the Final Acts. Many Western countries, including the US, Canada, France, the UK, and Germany, refused to accept the document due to different jurisdiction between the states. Looking to this circumstance, the best solution to prevent fake news is by making it possible for perpetrators who distributed fake news to be convicted to the courts. The introduction of new legislation is essential to curb fabricated stories. The law should merge between crime offense and technical offense, which could create a specific jurisdiction by avoiding conflict with another Act. MCMC need to study the experiences of other countries in forming legislation o fake news. Most of the countries in the world are looking forward to strengthening their law in dealing with these challenges. For example, Singapore has introduced a new bill on the fake news and the law equivalent to the UK and Germany which punish social network companies which responsible in disseminates fake news.