Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

37 Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam Strategy 4: Consulting and training sessions with experts from leading social Media platforms, research institution, and cyber security agencies Unfortunately, any consultancies with leading social media platforms are unachievable because they are under the spotlight in the controversies in dealing with the dissemination of Fake News at their platforms. It is a clear sign of many loopholes available in their platforms and policies that led to the full spread. Despite the challenges faced by the social media platforms, it essential to conduct a consultation or exchange of views with Facebook, Twitter or others through their regional office. Collaboration with Facebook and Google in term of public awareness campaign could help the netizen understand the threat of fake news. However, other agencies that have cyber experts can provide more insight and brainstorm better mitigation acts. Engagement with cyber security establishments enables stronger security in our social platforms. It is a pre-emption when policymakers collaborate with enforcers to what action suits our nation best. With robust enforcement plan backed up by relevant laws, it will be easier to regulate the spread of news in Malaysia. Research institution, on the other hand, gives unbiased research in enhancing security and dissemination patterns needed ion curbing the spread. The government should provide access in obtaining relevant tools and machines enabling researches to analyze text and sentiments. The outcome can be used for investigation and evidence to be prosecuted against the Fake News authors. Strategy 5: Establishment of One-Stop-Centre for better coordination between ministries, law enforcement agencies and media organization It is a need for government agencies to acknowledge the challenge of fake news in getting the message across in this tech-savvy environment. A critical aspect of credibility lies to the government in ensuring the public does not trap Engagement with cyber security establishments enables stronger security in our social platforms.