Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

36 Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam be web-based, educational television network to express purpose of fighting disinformation. By regulating platforms, it does not act to press freedom of expression. However, it aims to destabilize the media landscape and increase population’s trust in the government. Strategy 3: Develop new systems or algorithm that can detect fake news Publishing Fake News cost zero in expense, hence is a tsunami in social media platforms causes mainstream news to disappear under the hype. Therefore, enforcers must have reliable tools in both filtering the noise and counter- narrative as fast as possible. Moreover, the netizens can be as allies in reporting by providing fact-checking and reporting platforms to enforcers. Context-based Algorithms are essential to fight against fake news author’s algorithms. The efficiency in detecting fake news will be increased if incorporated with Malaysian local languages, dialogs, and syntax. These enable the algorithms to identify similar traits; unambiguous detection of sentiments unlike international brands. Artificial intelligence (AI) as a detector of fake information is being tested in developed countries. It is because artificial intelligence makes it easy to learn behaviors, possible through pattern recognition. As the volume of data grows, there is a chance of mishandling Information by the human to uncover the truth. AI has turned into a beacon of hope to assure data integrity, and more importantly, identify fake news. Hence, Malaysia must jump on the bandwagon in creating one unique to our context. Such outcomes can be achieved by collaborating with experts in artificial intelligence through the company such as IBM, Citadel, Facebook, Google or research institutions like McKinsey, MIT, and MIMOS. The common denominator raised by researchers is the lack of Malaysian crafted bots into separating relevant news.