Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

35 Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam force including the government bodies, law enforcement team and private entities. The task force will oversee the issue of fake news that related to political, economic, social, cultural, religious and security. Before such task force can be established, policymakers must define the term Fake News and consequences of implication in Malaysia. By constituting clearly as a criminal act, it gives a legitimate power of enforcement and prevention. The bright line will also create prevention by the netizens in recognizing and reporting them early. Strategy 2: Comprehensive outreach programs involving schools of all levels, higher education, communities, NGOs, social media influencers, and government sectors in spreading awareness on Fake News. In current Malaysian context; the youths are already reaping from the beneficial outcomes of spreading fake news. Some of the fake facts include; shutting down for social media platforms and closing of schools. It is apparent, immediate actions in curbing are important to curb the spread from being uncontained. A study conducted in 2016 by Stanford University’s History Education Group suggests that the younger generation lacks critical- thinking skills and the ability to separate objective information from propaganda. A dual approach is necessary. Since awareness extensively spread to all institution, we have yet to criminalize the perpetrator. It resulted in fake news producers do not hinge on awareness campaign since the assumption of fake news being a petty crime. Instead, label the dissemination of fake news to all these institutions that such crimes are in fact will be prosecuted under national security legislation. Due to the nature of the act that harms national security. Soft-power approach can start right at ground zero. By spreading awareness of school students and effects of the unlawful acts. An interactive approach can also be implemented by using it apart if science or civic lessons. They can Fake news producers do not hinge on awareness campaign since the assumption of fake news being a petty crime.