Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

33 Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam The proliferation of fake news is forcing these companies to rethink their role in society, their reliance on standard algorithms and their engineer-driven, data-dependent culture in an era when they are increasingly curating and delivering the news. In September 2018, it revealed that Russian groups might have spent $100,000 or more disseminating fake news posts on the social media platform during the 2016 US election. The company has set new media guidelines that it hopes will improve the News Feed's algorithms and filter out fake news. However, the introduction Facebook's fact checkers can’t resist the battle of this epidemic. In fact, Facebook isn’t the only most prodigious multiplier of news as the distinction belongs to instant messaging apps like WhatsApp, WeChat, Line, and others. They are harder to police because they do not operate any sites, only multitudes of chat groups formed and reformed instantly. Although MCMC have an engagement with the social media providers in term of security issue, unfortunately, they can’t reveal or give the data to our authorities’ due to their Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in protecting private information. Facebook can only provide information if it regards to terrorism but not fake news. It is difficult for MCMC to identify the perpetrators when Facebook couldn’t tolerate on the exchanging of data. Legal a. Limited remedies in legislation and Standard Operating Procedure Although the current Communication and Multimedia Act 1998 Section 233 (a) MCMC Act 1998 used explicitly in countering fake news, most of the cases that brought are related to the political issue. In 2016, MCMC has blocked The Malaysian Insider and The Edge under the Section 233, MCMC Act 1998 which referred to the offense for improper use of network facilities. The cases have been highly criticized by the public and human rights group for being misused the act to protect the government interest.