Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

32 Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam According to MCMC Outreach and Advocacy Director, Eneng Faridah Iskandar, the (fake) websites are not even as sophisticated as those in the United States, but as long as it reads like something from a newspaper, they can’t tell the difference. Most Malaysians are now getting their news off social media, but many still cannot know the difference between real and fake news. Technology a. Complexity of Misinformation Campaign With the advent of social media and its increasingly important role as a provider and amplifier of news, the impact of sophisticated misinformation campaign like “trolls,” “bots” and “clickbait” is crucial. There is evidence that the authorities hardly to manage the impact which illustrated by a description of the role of fake news in the 2016 US presidential election. Intentionally misleading propaganda materials have been a prop of communication for years, particularly during times of political or economic unrest. Plus, as technology continues to advance in the future, so too do the strategies in which malicious actors utilize to spread this type of misinformation. b. Lack of equipment in detecting fake news The sophistication of misinformation campaign gives a tough task to MCMC in countermeasures. MCMC has no specific system to address the challenge of fake news. In fact, the cost needed for integrated system development is very high. The cost of the social media monitoring system requires an average of RM 12 million including maintenance costs. For example, hundreds of local police departments across the United States have collectively spent about US$ 4.75 million (RM 19.74 million) on software tools that can monitor fake news, the locations of activists at protests or social media hashtags used by suspects. Social Media Providers a. Social media providers failed to curb the rise of fake news The social media providers such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have been criticized for the failure in addressing the issue of fake news. Search- engine giant Google is under similar pressure has promoted fake news stories.