Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

31 Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam People a. Lack of resources and expertise to monitor fake news In the issue of monitoring the fake news, an agency needs a large team including experts in Information Technology and analyst in media to analyse each content news as well as the response to the public by correcting the existing facts. Although the leading role of MCMC is the regulation of the communications and multimedia industry based on the powers provided in the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission Act (1998), the challenges in addressing this matter is new, and it is impossible for MCMC to deal solely. The lack of appropriate staff leads to difficulties for the agency to fend off every news spread. b. Lack of public awareness and media literacy The role of the media organization has become challenging which meant every organization is racing to capture competitive market share, alongside playing their role as an agent for nation-building and public awareness. Besides, more people are turning to the internet especially social media to search for information. The daunting thing is, not every information on the internet is filtered for accuracy, nor are they validated with accurate facts. While many television channels and social networking sites provide a platform to share information and voice opinions, there is also the risk of sharing information which may be culturally-sensitive or untrue. Plus, the youth nowadays would much instead read the news on the latest celebrity gossip than on current state affairs. Many people do not see the need to fact-check and verify the authenticity of the information as they are so eager to share. While the audiences struggle with too much information, the media organization failed to interact with the public. The public sought out voices they could trust, topics that they admired without considering the message brought by the media. Rather than shifting towards developing relationships with audiences in a genuine and committed way, the press tiptoed into community engagement.