Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

400 Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam agrees with a study conducted by Weng, McElroy and Morrow (2010) on 176 organizations in China consisting of respondent managers, professionals and clerical jobs. The study concludes that the promotion system affects the level of job satisfaction among employees within the organization. Weng et al. (2010), divides the promotion system into two parts namely the justice of the promotion system and the speed of promotion. The fairness of the promotion system refers to the perception of the employee's evaluation of the promotion process implemented by the organization, whether the promotion system is fair or otherwise (Erdrogan, Liden and Kraimer, 2006). Employee perceptions in this context mean that promotion processes need to be implemented through procedures and regulations set by the organization (Sweeney and McFarlin, 1993; Aryee, Budhwar and Chen 2002; Choi, 2011) without any bias or bias. On the other hand, the speed of promotion is defined by Dries, Pepermans and De Kerpel (2008) as the improvement from low to high positions over a period of service. The speed of promotion within an organization is seen as contributing to the success of the organization. This is because the speed of promotion can result in employees being more satisfied with their work and developing a sense of shared ownership within the organization (Salamin and Hom 2005; Weng et. al, 2010). Job satisfaction is also closely related to employees' emotions and feelings about their job (Locke, 1969). Job satisfaction is achieved when an employee likes their job (Spector, 1997). Promotion is an acknowledgment of the work that employees show when working in an organization. Herzberg's (2003) study of respondents among supervisors, professionals, and administrators in the United States found that giving recognition and rewards given to employee achievement in the form of promotion increases job satisfaction. The theory of social exchange in the context of sociology can be traced through a study conducted by Blau (1964), which is based on Gouldner's theory. Social exchange theory explains the principle of fair reciprocity between the two parties. If one party has benefited The promotion system affects the level of job satisfaction among employees within the organization