Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam
338 Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam Nonetheless, the program conducted by INTAN only focus on senior and top management personnel and not from the junior or middle management personnel process. It should be done according to the process conducted by the private sector, where once a junior level personnel has been identified with the traits conforming to leadership material, the personnel will be further developed and trained in the pipelines as one of the candidates suitable in the leadership succession plan of the organization. And most of those attended the course did not even exhibit the traits of a leader, let alone having the charisma of a leader. While the course of this study is to attempt in simplifying the process by addressing the research question, the researcher has also taken into consideration several aspects that may influence judgement in not applying the leadership succession process. This would include why the public sector higher management does not see the importance of leadership succession, what problems inhibits the success of a leadership succession plan, and what are the elements that is seen fit in the public sector higher management succession model. For the public sector, the program that was developed was more towards developing and assessing the personnel’s knowledge and skill, without having a specific leadership competency outline. Even though INTAN and JPA had some skeleton ideas on the approach, but in contrast, the program only concentrated on (i) developing and assess transformative leadership; (ii) strengthening critical and innovative analysis from different dimensions and perspectives; (iii) enhancing strategic visioning and scenario planning; (iv) improving on networking, collaboration and teamwork; and (v) developing awareness and understanding the areas within the public service domain, in a theoretical perspective. Therefore, it can be presumed that despite existing skeletal concepts of leadership succession representation remains, it is very clear that no specific model is referred either through academia or real-world observation implementation, like the success accomplished by the private sector.
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