Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

xxxv Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam • Local authorities are getting more concern with environmental protections and socioeconomic sustainability as organisational core strategy especially in developing nations • But little is known how local government organisations adopt sustainable development strategies involving all stakeholders as inclusive and integrative approaches that which particularly deal with human resource management • Local authority’s legitimate supremacy is embedded in the Federal Constitution which makes it with autonomous power to manage its organisation including human resources. The limitation for a local authority to manage its human resources is only if it involved financial burden to federal government which include number of personnel, remuneration, benefits, and pensions • The concept of HR sustainable development strategy as an integrated approach toward inclusive and cohesive development would help not only for local government as an autonomous organisation but other decentralised agencies under state and federal government Ramnick Lal a/l Khaptan Lal The Gig Economy ABSTRAK Working full-time or part-time as independent contractors or as a conduit in offering services that the public demands utilizing social media application platforms. Other than gaining traction all over the employment world and contributing towards a nation`s Gross Domestic Product, the gig economy also assists by levelling the unemployment curve by creating employment opportunities. The gig economy however does exhibit both positive and negative attributes, mutually to the employer as well as to the gig worker. Chiefly among its positive attributes is that it provides flexibility, unlimited income opportunities to the resourceful as well as prospects that leads to a conducive work-life integration that most employees desire. The superlative part on a gig worker is that it provides an autonomy over the worker themselves and the incumbent can continuously reform their working environment to supplement their income continuously. On the other side however, it lacks the long-term security and health- care benefits that most employees desire. In Malaysia, there is presently no legislation to safeguard the livelihood, healthcare, and long-term employment security of the gig worker. It is presently an unregulated industry. There must be contrite top-down political commitment towards supporting in creating the necessary legislation in Parliament to regulate and witness its contribution to the nation`s economic growth. Despite its imperfection, the gig economy has however proven to be beneficial to both the employees and employers and continues to gain traction among the masses, especially to the