Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

xxxii Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam mereka sudah memadai sebagai bukti segala keperluan BDR dipenuhi • Terdapat persamaan antara organisasi-organisasi yang berjaya menjalankan BDR iaitu pematuhan kepada dasar kerajaan dan organisasi, kemudahan teknologi yang disediakan kepada pekerja, penyesuaian kaedah pengukuran prestasi dan latihan Norhayati binti Mohd Idris Doing More With Less In Public Sector: A Lean Journey? ABSTRAK Lean management perhaps is not a new mantra for public sector. The term lean means slim, skinny, or excessive. Having this definition, implementing lean does not mean that an organisation is emphasising on reducing resources or cutting down their operations cost. The fundamental driver of lean is to create value and eliminating waste. A lean organisation appreciates customers by focuses only on activities that bring nothing but value to customers. The world's leading automotive company - Toyota Motor has begun this concept for over the past 100 years to describe a manufacturing technique called the Toyota Production System (TPS) or known as "The Toyota Way". The term leans later studied and applied in numerous sectors including public sector. Lean is also associated to "doing more with less". With the diversity of definitions of lean, this research aims to analyse the possibilities and limitations of lean in the public sector. POIN NYATA • In a Lean organisation, problems are opportunities for meaningful learning rather than errors to be swept under the rug • As lean thinking continues to spread to every country in the world, leaders are also adapting the tools and principles • Indeed, lean consciousness and methods are only beginning to take root among senior managers and leaders in all sectors today • The definition of customer is quite unique in the public sector, both semantically and as a concept. Most importantly, there is no clear definition of who is a customer in the public sector (Fountain, 2001) • There is also a lack of deeper investigations of how lean implementation influence organisations and the users, since most studies only present some indications of positive results, such as decreased lead times • The results of using lean in the public sector are improvements from an internal perspective. Reduction of waiting and process time is given much more attention than increased value for the user • Applying lean approaches in the public sector can lead to performance improvements. Being in the era where we need to reduce public spending, lean is not an option but a necessity