Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

xxi Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam NGOs, and others. In order to facilitate empowerment and citizens’ participation in social, political, and economic life, a suitable model has to be developed to enhance policy processes in a digital age system. The study shows that further research is required to make a full used of citizens’ engagement in social media by using suitable tools. Citizen’s comments can be scraped using social media scraping tools, which will provide us with lots of information. Then, the scraped data can be analyze using social media sentiment analysis tools to determined citizens’ attitude towards a particular topic by measuring their tone, context, and feelings. Tracking this sentiment allows us to understand the overall satisfaction, and will provides insights for current and upcoming public policy decisions. POIN NYATA • Social media has emerged as one of the most important tools that connects governments, citizens, and their ideas across the whole world • Social media has opened ways for greater political participation, thereby creating a new social dynamic • Social media thereby presents an opportunity to incorporate a multitude of opinions or alternatives during policy processes • Public policy in Malaysia is top down and made behind closed doors • Citizens’ engagement during the policy process will provides an opportunity to draw a comprehensive policy that suits and targeted to the needs of the citizens • Based on the comments posted by netizen, it is clear that the implementation of the tax was unpopular • Public Service Department (PSD) announced that the government would no longer give Critical Service Incentive Allowance to 33 professions who will be joining the civil service in January 2020. • Tracking this sentiment allows us to understand the overall satisfaction, and will provides insights for current and upcoming public policy decisions Mazlan bin Othman Merungkai Isu Kebolehpasaran Siswazah Di Malaysia: Suatu Perspektif ABSTRAK Isu kebolehpasaran graduan mula dibangkitkan ekoran dari peningkatan kadar pengangguran di kalangan graduan tempatan kebelakangan ini. Masalah peningkatan kadar pengangguran di kalangan graduan di Malaysia tahun demi tahun bukan sahaja telah merugikan graduan, keluarga dan institusi pendidikan, malah ia boleh melumpuhkan ekonomi negara. Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia melaporkan pada suku pertama 2019, negara merekodkan seramai 516,600 penganggur. Seramai 238,286 penganggur termasuk 174,327 siswazah, mendaftar sebagai pencari kerja aktif dengan JobsMalaysia di bawah Jabatan Tenaga Kerja (JTK) Semenanjung.