Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

105 Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam 2. Educate netizen with valuable content One edge government social media account has on private ones is the fact that it has access to a massive amount of information such as environmental, scientific, and public data. As such, netizen instantly recognize the account as credible and trustworthy. That means netizen going to be much more willing to come to your page as a source of knowledge and education. Government organizations can leverage their credibility as a government agency by educating the netizen and the public as a whole. 3. Keep it simple The majority of the netizen is looking at the agency’s posts while scrolling through hundreds of others. In crisis agency’s social media manager may demand extra attention, but still “competing” with other messages. It is important to make the content as easy to consume and share as possible. The page admin can use simple graphics, avoid large blocks of text, and try to get the main point across without asking people to click on a link or watch a lengthy video. The ministry of Health (KKM) and The National Security Council (MKN) has been doing an excellent job communicating clearly on social media as the COVID-19 crisis continues to evolve, their updates are informative and to-the- point. 4. Engage By engaging with the netizen on social media, government organizations is able to improve service delivery and public satisfaction. It is not a wise move to pause social media engagement in times of crisis in order to focus on urgent messaging. Being responsive is critical when many services are suspended and public cannot communicate in person with government organizations. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the KKM and MKN took time to answer questions that netizen asked on their page.