Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

103 Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam transparency are valued by the public especially the netizen, regardless of who they are. While there will of course be some exceptions to the rule, putting a focus on transparency in all government communications is an effective way of gaining the trust of the public. And when netizen trust the government’s data, they come to you for more information. 7. Test messaging Social media is a fantastic way to test your message with the public. Using social media is great because it is poses low stakes and it’s also a great way to give instant feedback to the test message. This can make the organization craft perfect message for the netizen and the public. Government organization will get real-time insights into what information the public are interested in, where or on what platform they are most likely to consume that information, and what’s the best way to say it in order for the call-to-action to resonate with the netizen and the public. By knowing the instant feedback, government organization can then use this information to connect directly with the public. 8. Save cost Traditional public outreach is expensive. Social media is an efficient and low-cost distribution channel to spread messages. Instead of spending on advertising, government entities can now leverage more cost- efficient social platforms to raise awareness about issues the public needs to know about. Driving true public engagement is more than just deploying information; it’s about creating a two-way dialogue and generating awareness and support of government’s initiatives. Social media is a fantastic platform for hosting relevant content, engaging discussion, and soliciting feedback from the public. SOCIAL MEDIA GUIDES FOR PUBLIC SERVICE Some argued that unlike e-government inside-out strategy (i.e. utilizing ICTs to transform and employ internal government resources to provide services), social media–based government is based on an outside-in approach where