Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

99 Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam According to Bennett (2014), Instagram is a platform for photo sharing and is increasingly popular and it doubles the users within a year as of March 2014 (Abel, Buff, & Burr, 2016), as there were 200 million users on this social networking sites. A research done by the University of Missouri showed that majority of Instagram users are less likely to engage with controversial images (University of Missouri-Columbia, 2018). The research stated that many people view Instagram as an oasis to escape troubles and concerns of their lives, thus, they feel bad liking a photo of tragedy and prefers other sources for serious news. Twitter on the other hand is a useful platform for fast communication, as the content of tweet from government must be expressive than factual. Twitter has been the battleground for netizen, the government as well as the politician and the place where scandal surrounding the politicians or the current government can set in motion. It enables global communication immediate and unfiltered. Twitter has been quite the catalyst as it has become the way to connect directly with public and other interested audiences, dodging the traditional media (Sullivan, 2013). Whilst, Facebook is actively used by public service institutions for the purpose of entering into direct dialogs with public and encouraging discussion in groups or pages in Facebook (Stieglitz & Dang-Xuan, 2014). They added the use of Facebook is the most logical location for a discussion on issues to an extent the discussion appears to have succeeded in the over-coming polarisation of online discussion that previously hard to be done (Kushin & Kitchener, 2009). When people gather online, they tend to discuss issues of public interest as people share in such inter-connected society and if the issue is discussed by many, more users tend to join the bandwagon to keep up to date of what is going on. The topics usually get heated up especially when the issues is near to them. Malaysia’s media has undoubtedly moved along with technology, thus, the usage of social media become very crucial especially when changing the perception of the netizen towards the public service delivery.