Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

91 Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam implementing FWA is capturing trust and responsibility among the employees. Managing trust between employers and employees will require a clear understanding of the objectives, roles, expectations and responsibilities of each member of the organisation in producing the desired output. This can be executed through a dialogue or communication between employer and employee in getting to know better the needs for FWA and the issues as well as challenges in implementing FWA. As such the issue of trust can be addressed through dialogue or communication as this will provide the opportunity to understand the needs of employees and the expectation of employers. Goudswaard et al. (2013), emphasised that trust is important not only between executives of a company but also plays a crucial role at the level of the work floor, between employers and employees. The issue of trust is vital if organizations decide to implement FWA. The CEO of Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB), Jaleel Rashid states that the key to FWA is trust and keeping superiors and colleagues informed as well being reachable and finally deliver the work that has been tasked (The New Straits Times, 2020). Apart from trust issue, FWA to a certain extent is argued for not able to capture the performance of employees. This is the opposite of the traditional working environment where superiors supervise subordinates and instructions are handed down directly. As such the supervision made by superiors are more direct and straight forward. Unlike FWA, employees’ performance can be questioned since direct and straightforward control by superiors is absence. Hence, in implementing FWA organizations need to re-visit the traditional structures in place such as the working hours and to opt for output-based or task-based evaluation rather than on how long employees work. FWA came to a test with the current COVID-19 pandemic that had affected countries around the globe, financially, economically and socially. COVID-19 puts the implementation of FWA to a test as social mobility has been greatly affected. With the need to impose social distancing strict enforcement on the number of people allowed at places such as shopping complexes, malls,