Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

88 Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam Ireland and the United Kingdom for instance, while some would only require an administrative arrangement or circular to implement FWH. There are numerous issues in the implementation of FWH which covers organisational culture and norms, organisations’ nature of business and finally the legal framework that enforces FWH. This is because FWH will not be relevant to certain job types such as security and defence for instance. As for the PSD, the introduction of FWH was made to replace the scheduled- working hours. The purpose of FWH was to provide civil servants with some flexibility within a working timeframe that has been stipulated after completing the number of working hours in one day (Service Circular 05/ 2019, p.2). The focus of these two (2) working schedule i.e. FWH and scheduled-working hours is to provide some form of flexibility to the civil servants to clock in for work. However, the difference between FWH and the scheduled-working hours is that the former provides better flexibility in comparison to the latter where a structured clock-in and clock-out scheduled has been imposed. According to the former General Director of PSD, Tan Sri Borhan Dollah, the idea of introducing the FWH is to provide these civil servants with a balance between working hours and family time. It is also aimed at standardising the current four types of staggered working hours which was introduced in 1988 (The Star, 2019). The implementation of the FWH by PSD can be divided into two (2) main working timeframes i.e. clock-in and clock-out timeframes. The clock-in timeframe starts from 7.30 am until 9.00 am while the clock-out timeframe starts from 4.30 pm until 6.00 pm. The allocation of such timeframes will allow flexibility for civil servants to clock-in and clock-out within the timeframe allocated. This flexibility will enable civil servants to attend to their personal commitments such as sending children to the school or babysitter. Unlike the SWH which was replaced by FWH, the former does not allow for any flexibility since clock-in and clock-out timeframe has been strictly allocated. Table 1 describes the overall working timeframe under the FWH introduced by PSD.