Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

85 Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam According to Legge (1974), FWH can be defined as an arrangement whereby the employee is granted a limited choice of the hours when he works as long as he contracts over an agreed period—be it a day, or a week, or a month—to work his normal number of hours. Kossek & Michel (2011) highlighted on the growth on other forms of alternative work schedules that give employees in some occupations more choices and control over where and when and how much they work is a positive development in the work environment. As most studies have indicated there is a strong relationship between providing FWH or FWA to the level of productivity of an organization (John, 2017). The important element that ties an employee to the organization that provides some flexibility is being valued to be of essence to the employee. In return, organizations providing the FWA options will be seen as promoting the image of being a family-friendly place to work. As highlighted by Bailyn (2001) the flexibility provides the employee with a work-life balance in fulfilling the responsibility of not only to the organization but to certain personal or family commitment. This is supported by Grady & McCarthy (2008) that define work-life balance as a family, community, recreation and personal time. According to Abid & Barech (2017), flexible timing increases employees’ morale, loyalty, and enhances the productivity, reduces the absenteeism, employer’s time and hiring cost and thus enhances the working pleasure. Naturally, a flexible arrangement of social activities for a happier life may be achieved through flexibility in work timings (John, 2017). This is further supported by Shagvaliyeva & Yazdanifard (2014) which sees FWH as a policy adopted by organizations as being family-friendly policy by incorporating a culture of trust by offering employees flexibility in the workplace. On the other Flexi Work ̶ ▪ achieve a more satisfying work-life balance ▪ granted a limited choice of the hours when he works as long as he contracts over an agreed period ▪ give employees in some occupations more choices and control over where and when and how much they work is a positive development in the work environment ▪ indicated there is a strong relationship between providing FWH or FWA to the level of productivity of an organization