Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

83 Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam The Public Service Department (PSD) had introduced the FWA for public servants beginning August 1 st , 2019 as part of the public sector reform initiatives with the introduction of Service Circular 05/ 2019 ( Pekeliling Pekhidmatan Bilangan 5/2019 ). Repucci (2014) implied that public sector reform generally includes reform in areas such as remuneration, human resources, downsizing and operational efficiencies. A pilot test on the implementation of FWH started on 1 March 2019 involving Ministries/agencies at the federal and state level. The FWH introduced will replace the staggered- working hours (SWH) which has been in place since June 1 st , 2007. In line with the 11 th Malaysia Plan Review, the government has agreed to improve the existing working environment from the SWH to FWH. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to look at the different types of FWH or FWA adopted by organisations and comparing with the current FWH introduced by PSD as one of the quick wins in the public sector reform initiatives. This initial descriptive study will look into the implementation of FWH by organisations including FWH introduced by PSD as well as providing recommendations on the important factors that can be considered as important to the successful implementation of FWA. These recommendations, the element of trust and performance management focusing on output rather than the number of working hours to be completed can be considered by PSD in drafting a holistic FWA framework for the civil service. Numerous research write-ups on the implementation of FWH will be used to provide an overview of FWH and its objectives and how FWH can be considered as a win-win solution for both employees and employers. However, in view of the nature of desktop research, the recommendations provided in this paper will require further research and empirical determinants in ensuring a smooth implementation of FWA. The Concept of FWH Firstly, it is important to understand the term FWH or FWA adopted and practised by the organisations either public or private. The term FWH or FWA is being used interchangeably by scholars in identifying the flexibility provided