Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

82 Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam working hours. For the employees, flexitime will allow attending to private and social matters, while for the employer it increases efficiency and productivity. There are many reasons why FWH or FWA is being implemented either within the private or public organisations. Based on the works of literature, it has been identified that the ultimate objective of introducing FWH or FWA span from creating work-life balance, achieving well-being, job quality as well as job performance and to increase productivity. According to Kelliher and Anderson (2008), flexible working has tended to be used as an umbrella term to encompass a wide variety of activities, including, for example, practices such as remote working (from home, other company premises etc), reduced hours, different hours (either agreed, non-standard hours or discretion over working hours on a day-by-day basis) and compressed working time where employees work their contractual hours over a fewer number of days than is normal. This is further supported by Omondi and K’Obonyo (2018) which stated that there are numerous forms of FWA which include teleworking, flexitime, compressed workweek, leave, job share, phased retirement, contract work, part-time jobs and term-time working. Kelliher (2009) suggested FWH covers various dimensions in its implementation such as work from home (WFH), reduced hours, non-standard hours, various form of remote working and compressed working time. The idea to introduce FWA in Malaysia for the public sector started in 2011 when the former Prime Minister at the Cabinet Committee Meeting on Public Sector Workers' Remuneration has agreed for the introduction of FWA. The former Prime Minister further reiterated that the FWA to be introduced should take into consideration the relaxation of the working hours, space and time at work. FWA has been identified as one of the key initiatives to maximize productivity in the public service through enhancing the existing work environment by introducing flexible work arrangements that allow for work from home, flexible working hours and flexible working hours. Among the FWA initiatives proposed by the PSD Flexi-working hours, work from home and compressed work leave.