Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

80 Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam The Implementation Of Flexible Working Arrangement (FWA): An Overview Dr. Azrul Anaz bin Mohd Any, M54 ABSTRACT The Flexible Working Arrangement (FWA) or Flexible Working Hours (FWH) have attracted the attention of scholars in examining its implementation. It is viewed as a solution provider to almost all levels in either private or public organizations for multiple reasons. Past scholars have identified few aims of applying it such as; to create a balance between career and lifestyle, to improve job quality and performance as well as to increase productivity. Besides, many previous researches were conducted in understanding the overview of FWH as how it can function as a win-win solution for both employees and employers. Therefore, this descriptive study was mainly conducted to identify different types of FWH or FWA adopted by organisations and comparing it with the current FWH introduced by Public Service Department (PSD) as one of the quick wins in the public sector reform initiatives. As PSD is looking into the implementation of FWA, this study will provide an overview of the FWH application within organisations including the FWH introduced by PSD. In ensuring smooth implementation, the element of trust and performance management focusing on output rather than the number of working hours to be completed need to be revisited as these factors can be considered and recommended as the basis of the successful implementation of FWA.