Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

78 Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam Pila Tammpuu and Anu Masso (2018) ‘Welcome to the virtual state’: Estonian e-residency and the digitalised state as a commodity. European Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol.21 (5): 543-560. Pille Runnel, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt and Kristina Reinsalu (2019) ‘the Estonian Tiger Leap from Post Communism to the Information Society: From Policy to Practice. Journal of Baltic Studies , Vol.40 (1): 29 – 51. Tarmo Kalvet (2012) ‘Innovation: A Factor Explaining e-Government Success in Estonia’ Electronic Government, An International Journal Vol. 9 (2): 142-157. Thad Hall (2012) Electronic Voting. In: Norbert Kersting, Michael Stein & John Trent (eds.) Electronic Democracy . Verlag Barbara Budrich, pp. 153- 176. The Economist Intelligence Unit (2019) ‘Estonia: Country Report 4 th Quarter’ Economist Intelligence Unit Limited , London: 1-42. Toivo U. Raun (1994) ‘Post-Soviet Estonia, 1991-1993’ Journal of Baltic Studies, Vol.25 (1): 73-80. Toomas Ilves (2018) ‘E-stonia Takes Off’ Finance & Development Vol.55 (1): 38-39. Vania Ceccato (2009) ‘Crime in a City Transition: The Case of Tallinn, Estonia’ Urban Studies Journal Vol.46 (8): 1611.