Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

77 Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam REFERENCES Andres Kasekamp (2013) ‘Estonia: Eager to Set an Example in Europe’ in: Michael Baun and Dan Marek (eds.) The New Member States and the European Union: Foreign Policy and Europeanization Taylor & Francis Group: 99-111. Anonymous ‘NATO nations back new cyber defence centre in Estonia’ (May 15, 2008) Telecomworldwire . Arpad Ferenc PAPP-VARY (2018) ‘A Successful Example of Complex Country Branding: The ‘E-Estonia’ Positioning Concept and Its Relation to the Presidency of the Council of the EU. Acta Univ. Sapentiae, European And Regional Studies, Vol.14: 87-115. Cyrus Farivar (2011) The Internet of Elsewhere: The Emergent Effects of a Wired World . Rutgers University Press, pp. 121-126. Gary Anthes (2015) ‘Estonia: A Model for e-Government’ Communications of the ACM , pp.18-20. Heller Nathan (2017) ‘The Digital Republic’ The New Yorker, New York . Vol. 93 (41): 84 Keith Dinnie (2015) Nation Branding: Concepts, Issues, Practice . 2 nd Edition, Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 230-236. Krista Tuulik (2009) ‘Leadership in Transformational Estonia’ Baltic Journal of Management Vol.4 (2): 169-187. Marc Ernsdorff and Adriana Berbec (2007) The Short Road to e-Government and e-Democracy. In: Paul G. Nixon and Vassiliki N. Koutrakou (eds.) E-Government in Europe: Re-booting the State . Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 171-183. Mart Laar (2008) ‘Leading a Successful Transition: The Estonian Miracle’ European View Vol.7 (1): 67-74. OECD (2015), “Executive summary”, in OECD Public Governance Reviews: Estonia and Finland: Fostering Strategic Capacity across Governments and Digital Services across Borders , OECD Publishing, Paris: 11-13. Orit Gat (2018) ‘Estonia Goes Digital: Residents of the tiny Baltic nation are going all in on techno-governance. World Policy Journal , Vol.35 (1): 108-113. Peter Van Ham (2002) ‘Branding Territory: Inside the Wonderful Worlds of PR and IR Theory’ Millenium , Vol.31 (2): 249-269.