Varia Ranah - Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam

74 Varia Ranah: Sorotan Ilmiah Perkhidmatan Awam With any method of remote voting, including traditional postal ballots, the possibility of votes being forced or bought is a concern. Estonia’s solution was to allow voters to log on and vote as many times as they want during the pre- voting period. Since each vote cancels the last, a voter always has the choice of changing his or her vote later. This gives a strong signal to the world community that the country and its people advocate transparency. Since 2018, I-voting with binding results has been carried out eight times in Estonia: a) in the local elections in October 2005, October 2009, and October 2013; b) in the parliamentary elections in March 2007, March 2011, and March 2015; and c) in the European Parliament elections in June 2009 and May 2014. Estonia has a cyber-terrorism centre. The Centre is essentially a military think- tank that leads the world in crafting cyber defence solutions through a multinational, interdisciplinary analysis of various cyber issues. It is best known for its Tallinn Manual process, a non-binding, academic study on how international law applies to cyber conflicts and cyber warfare. It also has a data embassy in Luxembourg that stored all state information. Data Embassy is an extension in the cloud of the Estonian government, which means the state owns server resources outside its territorial boundaries. This “Data embassy” is a data centre and an innovative concept for handling state information since states usually store their information within their physical boundaries. These two entities give strong indication that its ICT and the online system are well monitored and safe from unwanted hackers and virtual intruders. Estonia is now a well-recognised country which has a special niche for innovation in IT industries, thus continuously wooing external investments. Through its ‘e-residency’ program, foreigners can open Estonian bank accounts and start companies using the ‘e-government’ service from anywhere around the globe.